LAKSH Career Academy

LAKSH Career Academy
Author: Hiren Dave

Monday, 17 November 2014

17 NOVEMBER 2014: India gets 1st presidency of NDB

Ø  After a high-profile G20 summit for India, at which member countries backed New Delhi’s campaign to retrieve black money, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will canvass support for his “Make in India” initiative among Australia’s large Indian community in Sydney. Mr. Modi is expected to roll out his invitation to expatriates to invest in India, as he did in the U.S., at the Allphones Arena in Sydney’s Olympic Park. He will attend a special reception for nearly 200 prominent businessmen and professionals of Indian origin.
Ø  In a major gain for India, the G20 summit endorsed the need for transparency and disclosure by countries of tax information as Prime Minister Narendra Modi voiced support to the new global standard on automatic exchange to tackle the black money issue. Raising the pitch on the black money issue, Mr. Modi in his intervention at the summit of the Group of 20 industrialised and major emerging economies called for close global coordination to address the challenge posed by it.
Ø  Vladimir Putin’s early exit from the G20 summit in Australia after an icy reception from world leaders may further stoke Russia-West tensions and lead to renewed fighting in Ukraine. Western leaders piled huge pressure on the Russian President at the summit in Brisbane, with host Tony Abbott calling on Mr. Putin to “atone” for the shooting down of Flight MH17 and Britain’s David Cameron branding him a “bully.”

Ø  The Modi government is in the process of short-listing candidates for the president of the proposed BRICS bank -- the New Development Bank. The BRICS nations — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — had agreed at their sixth Summit in Fortaleza that India will nominate the first president of the bank and that its headquarters will be located in China. Reserve Bank Governor Raghuram Rajan, a Union Cabinet Minister and a well-known banker in infrastructure finance have figured so far in discussions on possible candidates for BRICS’ New Development Bank president. This shortlist is not final; the Modi government is scouting for more names before it takes a decision on the nomination.

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